Monday, November 24, 2008


A Miami teenager straight up killed himself on the Internet in a live stream and nobody did a thing. The boy, 19 years old, took a bunch of pills as people watched or egged him on. The kid was a college student that suffered from bi-polar disorder and eventually took all his pills and some sleeping pills at one time. The deadly cocktail ended his life. He appeared to go to sleep on his bed. Eventually, people realized it wasn't a joke and contacted the website. The only thing is, that took about 12 hours. When police did arrive, the boy was still streaming live from the house…dead. Some didn't take him seriously, because he had threatened suicide in the past and didn't do it. Needless to say, the family is furious and looking for answers. This maY be an instance where there are going have a hard time getting closure.


GhettoBev November 24, 2008 at 1:23 PM  

That's extremely sad and unfortunate, but I mean if ppl thought it was a joke then why would they do anything, who would think that somebody would really kill themselves live on the internet. I guess that's what the world is coming to....sadness

Marky Breeze November 24, 2008 at 1:30 PM  

Man its hard to say what's a threat ot just a wolf ticket nowadays. The state in which this world is in is by far as bad as I've seen it. So many suicides, murders, and everything else in the world is just sad. Man I pray that a blanket of peace and serenity covers the earth man... we need help!

Donzarelli November 24, 2008 at 1:33 PM  

Bafoolary....once least on the folks that watched this brotha carry out his own suicide....I agree...the world is indeed closing in on some insane way, someone is gonna get sued....GOOD!(Denzel Washington voice from that movie with Saana Lathan).....GOOD! But in all serious fashion...the dude gave clear warnings before hand....this couldve been prevented!

Anonymous,  November 24, 2008 at 1:35 PM  

I studied this disorder in my public health class just recently! Being bi-polar is a very serious illness which carries strong genetic influences. No telling what drove him to the point of suicide, it could have been anything. They tell you taking meds are to help you but inturn it just makes you worst. He needed a support group which is part of integrated medicine. Plus living your life through all this damn internet shit dont help either. Those other kids wanted a laugh, but instead they got to watch a boy die. It was his cry for help, and NOBODY DID ANYHTING!!!

Marky Breeze November 24, 2008 at 1:52 PM  

Well then too, we have to look at the fact that he attempted or threatened to do this before... the little boy who cried wolf story never gets old. But in the same stroke as that, when he threatened to do it the first time, it should've been reported to someone so he can be under watch for this exact type of situation. People nowadays are so careless about the life of another person!

Anonymous,  November 24, 2008 at 2:00 PM  

Yea thats true mark! shiiit everybody else trynna save thier own damn lives!

ICE November 24, 2008 at 2:07 PM  

Cant be jokin around like that with medication. He probably thought that if it made them laugh the first time, it would this time! [whos laughin now? jokes on you buddy! now you dead]! Sad...

ICE November 24, 2008 at 2:13 PM  

Or maybe he wanted to be ELVIS! [im sorry thats not funny] :-/

Mi$$ J. November 24, 2008 at 3:00 PM  


Austin November 24, 2008 at 6:05 PM  

Some ppl just plain fuckn need help! This is the 1st Im hearing of this...I immediately feel in my soul that this kid was white! Some kids have a longing to feel special and leave their mark on the world. If they cant acheive this thru somethin positive or creative they will do some deep twisted shit! I believe everyone deserves to life, and my heart aches for a person who feels they have nothin to live for, but ppl with mental disorders have moments of sanity, if this kid was fighting with things within himself, he could have easily turned his unhappiness on his friends or peers and hurt or killed many. If you research the mind of many serial killers and mass murderers you will see that they feel the world is better off without them. You never know, that kid may have saved many lives by taking his own life...

Rayna November 26, 2008 at 11:32 AM  

Al, that's a different perspective on the situation. It's true but sad. When ppl feel out of control and their mind is skweing their perspective on the world, they end up hurting themselve or others. So thinking that he might have saved a few other lives by taking his own is interesting, but true.

This is what's wrong with the world today. No one wants to notice or care. We see that person who seems down or alone and don't ask so we're "not in their business". Sometime people just want to know that they matter and someone cares about them. God help us!