Monday, August 11, 2008



OK say u run into someone you haven't seen in a while maybe you used to like them but u don't know what they're on now, but u think u guys should catch up and u ask them to kick it and they agree. So since they agreed to kick it with you would u just assume they were interested in you?


t baby August 11, 2008 at 11:55 AM  

NO. You can't just automatically assume the other person is interested in you. They may have not been interested in you in the past, but thought you were cool and would really like to catch up and see what an old friend has been on. Maybe they're just friendly and like having friends (not friends with benefits) and going out to have a good time. So no, if you go into the situation THINKING the other person is interested, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Never assume, always go off facts.

Catch August 11, 2008 at 1:32 PM  

Yeah I think you can assume that. The whole reason why people go out is because they are interested in each other. It depends on how well
the two people get along while they are dating that determines how far the relationship goes.

Ashten August 11, 2008 at 9:53 PM  

Uh noooooooooo..... who said anything about dating!!! This isn't tha damn dating game! This is a person that you were friends with in 6th grade and you ran into them while minding your business and you say "yeaaaaa riiiiite.... lets hang out some time!!!" Catch, you are the reason girls feel this way! Guys like you are the guys that think girls are automatically interested in them. And then we gotta stop answerin the phone and put them in our phones as "Darrell Don't Answer!!!"... and I'm spent!

Marky Breeze August 12, 2008 at 8:02 AM  

But as the Catch said... there is some level of interest on behalf of that person.. Cause honestly... which of you on this damn blog woul hang or kick it on a one on one situation with someone you are not interested in? Apparently some kinda curiosity was raised, hence the reason you wanna see what they were on...

Catch August 12, 2008 at 10:26 AM  

Thanks Breez, See thats just it why go out with someone you not interested in, only to hide from that person later when you get fed up.
BTW Im not that guy. Im da Catch dammit, ask my wife she'll tell ya.

Austin August 12, 2008 at 10:42 AM  

If she'll give you the number you can get her! Now, after ya'll talk or kick it, she may change her mind...but a woman has to have some level of interest to proceed past that solitare meeting...if she wasnt interested she would have spoke to you, hit you with the "ass out" hug, with no lower body contact and kept it movn!

Ashten August 13, 2008 at 12:00 AM  

Thats pretty wack... just cuz ur a throw back friend and i may wanna CATCH up or juss kick it (like in a crowded location)... that shouldnt mean I'm trynna bend it like Beckham...

T August 14, 2008 at 12:10 PM  

This is tricky. The person might just be bored and say yeah, they'll kick it with you. They might want a free dinner. They might be looking for a friend in the neighborhood.

I used to assume that the person is interested, but got my face handed to me one day, so I'm suggesting that y'all doublecheck.

Mi$$ J. August 15, 2008 at 10:05 AM  

So is it safe to say there's some interest somewhere?? You may not have any interest in that person but it doesn't mean the same for them!!!!!