Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Coming from the perspective of a dark skin African American, I can recall growing up being teased and made fun of because of my complexion. I used to want to be light or fair skinned. I still get teased about having full lips (that i now hear are so sexy but used to be soup coolers). It was not until I matured that I felt comfortable enough with myself to say it does not matter. I am who I am and I am made in Gods image, and this is the way I am meant to be. We are all different. But to unpack this even more, every bad guy is always black. Everything about the word black has a negative connotation. Black has been taught throughout history to be feared, mysterious, or not as good as white. And I am just talking about the color, not actual people. If you really look at what black means to our vocabulary, how can you expect our children not to have complexes? They choose white because its pure, its heavenly, its love. I remeber reading this old Websters dictionary one day. the copyright was from the 1960's, and i looked up the word black one day and i had a Mississippi burning experience (that moment when you go "yes they deserve to die, and i hope he burn in hell!!!" then hope a white person don't look at you wrong that day, not because you racist, just because you upset about history and don't know how to channel that energy at that moment). The definition was "dark, void of light, evil, not white any person from the Negro race." Then i was inclined to look up nigger. And there it was... and to paraphrase it said a group of people who are black, Negroes, etc. I was like huh? this is in Websters? They printed millions of copies of this and had them in libraries and classrooms across the country. I was like twenty at the time and I had stole THAT dictionary from school. to sum it all up. You gotta teach your kids about who they are. You cant let your child grow up with these complexes that black is ugly and evil. Be conscious of what they watch and listen to because they are sponges soaking all things of media and life in. They are creating ideas and forming thoughts about everything the see and hear. Make sure you mold all that into healthy images of success, life and love. And as Mos Def said, "umi shine your light on the world, shine your light for the world to see.... I want black people to be free, to be free, to be free All my people to be free, to be free, to be free..."


Google Project: Fr3sh


Austin September 16, 2008 at 9:19 AM  

...I wonder which one of them had the biggest booty??? J/K...I had to try and say something funny, cuz that was some of the saddest shit I ever seen.Its 2008! I have 2girls that live in the suburbs, and they love Hannah Montana, but they don't have white dolls...I feel guilty for letting them watch that lil' no talent having honky tonk cracker! That dark girl with the glasses looked like she had a big ass tho...

Anonymous,  September 16, 2008 at 1:20 PM  

That is SAD and it still is...Growing up that's all I ever used to hear, White was better and black was dirty!....The lighter you are the more success you will have! (Bullshit!!!) They used to tease me and my best friend kyla and say shit like "here come the house nigga and the field nigga
(guess which one was in the field), but I put all that to an end, BASTARDS!...

Black is BEAUTIFUL Nate, love them soup coolers, lol and to hell with that dictionary, lol... We as black people have to educate ourselves and our children not to fall victim to that BS.... I love my blackness, I love my black people, I love my Black Men, even when we get ignorant, sometimes you just gotta laugh!
We have come a long way!!!
Shyyyt We bout to have a BLACK president...

K.Michele September 16, 2008 at 5:38 PM  

wow plan b... i had to really look at ur picture cuz my name is Kyla! Anyway I got talked about a lot because I was...am light skinned...like ppl thought i was better than others..i would hear "the think the better than er1 cuz shes lightskinned and has pretty eyes" I hated it...i didn't even want to be my complexion...i wanted to b white! I never knew why i caused conflict until i grew older and learned about the racisms we have in our own community...

Anonymous,  September 16, 2008 at 6:57 PM  

Haha, yea girl my BFFs name is Kyla!...
Racism in our own communities is the worst! I hate when people say about my friend "She cute to be DARK skinned"... What the hell is that supposed to mean? Like all dark skinned folks are ugly, thats crazy!

Unknown September 23, 2008 at 6:30 PM  

I know Im late as shit but forgive me I have been busy.. Love yourself, Know your worth and teach yo kids the same. learn yo history, they damn sure aint gonna teach it in school. in order to break the cycle we have to break the cycle. we cant wait for it to magically happen. we all gotta just do it. we all (and when i say all i mean people across the globe)have to take it upon ourselves to at least respect each other. just respect. we are all different but find the tie that binds us and show compassion and tolerance to someone.