Thursday, September 4, 2008


When looking at the landscape of this world it is easy to shake your head or wag a finger in disgust. We stand on the cusp, the precipice of one of the greatest moments in history. We all have defining moments in life where things slow down from the hectic pace that breathing evokes. There is always a second when you see things so clearly and taste the sweet nectar of peace. That second where 2+2 and2x2 is no longer a mystery just an anomaly that coexist to make 4 possible twice. Why question what is beyond our control? Sometimes that reflects is healthy but sometimes it is paralyzing. Breaking the restraints set by society and releasing yourself to dream is the one thing that makes life worth living. I watched what should be this country's proudest moment tonight yet all i hear is commentators question whether president Obama's speech was black enough or if itwas moving enough or if it laid out policies that we realistic enough. Step back and and watch 4 manifest twice and stop questioning how. I am not the largest Barack fan in the world but i never question his commitment to change life as we know it. Sometimes all you need is the dream and the determination to see that manifest itself. At the end ofthe day, we are all dreamers. Some of us never allow ourselves the opportunity to realize those dreams but dont stifle those who choose to explore that forbidden oasis. Embrace the courage it takes to look at life through a kelidescope. See 3D with shades of crayons unknown to most.


T September 5, 2008 at 8:29 AM  

I hear you Nate, I hear you!

Unknown September 9, 2008 at 6:03 PM  

not enough people do though. its not the sext message people wanna hear