Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The story is all over Progressive Talk Radio today about the McCain campaign sending absentee ballot applications to registered democrats or people that have donated to Obama's campaign. These ballots are deliberately misleading and have postage paid return addresses that are for an election clerk that is outside of your city or town. What this will end up doing is either having your vote not counted, or if you return one of these, they will cite you for election fraud, saying that you already voted absentee. These ballots are only being sent out in 'purple states' and this is a big deal.. This is called voter caging, and is a huge problem.The McCain campaign is stealing this election as we speak. Please get this information out to as many people as you can, and tell anyone you know who has received one of these ballots that they need to contact their city election clerk or the supervisor of elections immediately.Also call the local media and let them know what is going on.The main stream media is never going to cover this so we have to depend on our ground campaign to get the word out to our voters.


K.Michele September 30, 2008 at 1:45 PM  

Yeah I heard about this quite a few times. Also be aware not to wear any 'nalia with Obama or McCain on it when you're going to the polls. Some will cite you for campaining near the polling booths (which is illegal) and you will not be able to vote. People will do anything and everything to get their person to win...

Anonymous,  September 30, 2008 at 1:50 PM  

McCain's .. Everyday that man does more and more to make me really dislike him....On my way to work today, I was listening to the radio and they talked about how the Voter Registration needs the Social Security Administration system to verify and approve the people who are registerating. Their heaviest days are right before the deadline (you know we have people who procrastinate) which is October 13-17th. The Social Security Administration computer is mysteriously going to be down for the majority of that time because they have to have some maintenance on their system. Which is BS I believe it's another one of those ways to put McCain into office because We (people of color) take our precious time to do anything (which can be for various reasons i.e. daycare, work, no car.. etc). I may be wrong ASSuming that we will wait til last minute to do this but I guarantee that’s exactly what the republican party hope we do. The time is now to make a change, register early get your place in line we can’t have another Bush in office... Sorry to rant I’m REAL serious when it comes to my FUTURE and the Future of my children. And I also hate McCain.. because can you really trust someone with bad teeth? If he don’t care about his mouth can he really care about us? (LOL Sorry I just had to put that in there)


Pennjamin Bannekar September 30, 2008 at 4:21 PM  

They really playing on the fact that black ppl gon be so thirsty to vote for Obama that we ain't gon be prepared and be on our shit when its time to vote. The sad thing is, we can't control shit like what went on in Florida in 2000. All we can do is stay informed pray and make use of our vote that we have.

But I cant say I'm suprised cuz this country don't give a damn who they step on to get what they want. It's been that way since the beginning of time and although we have come a long way, it's still the same shit, new day...

Austin October 1, 2008 at 9:23 PM  

They should have smoked McCain old ass when he was a POW in the war...If the U.S GOV wasn't monitoring this I'd....whewww! I'm sick of this bitch ass ol' man talkn bout being a prisoner of war...since when has it been HOT to get caught...this bitch braggin like he was a superior solider for gettin caught. Dumb bastard! I'll beat the fuck out somebody...not McCain cuz I know they reading this...but I'll fuck somebody up! P.S. Sarah Palin can get fuckd!

Austin October 1, 2008 at 9:29 PM  

And if his ol' ass call me his friend one mo' time...he stepped his wife came up tho. Her fam rich as hell and she like 30 yrs younger than him...He got Obama in the spouse dept., i don't give a fuck what you African- American ladies about to say...Michelle look like the love child of Curious George and Minnie Mouse!