Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Why is it when you ask women do they have any friends they say "I don't mess with a lot of girls, or "females are too messy"? I always wanted to know why....plz comment


Mi$$ J. December 3, 2008 at 7:59 AM  

It's true, females are messy!!! I have had the same friends (who I call my true friends) since grammar or high school. Even those heffas can be messy at times, but I still love them no matter what. I wont say all females, but most like to keep up a lot of unnecessary bs!!! I don't like drama never have and never will, it takes up too much time and energy that I can put towards something else. Females can be devious, and sometimes you can't even trust the friends who you have had the longest!!!! So I think its kind of in our nature to learn to keep our circle of friends tight. Keep females around you can trust, count, and depend on even if you need to. Everyone isn't ur friend and I have learned that the hard way!!!

Pennjamin Bannekar December 3, 2008 at 8:08 AM  

My question is do you trust them or do you trust them to be them, Miss J??

Mi$$ J. December 3, 2008 at 8:13 AM  

I have a friend who I trust to be herself, cause I know what she's capable of and what she has done in the past!!!
Now my other friends I trust because they are like me when it all boils down, so yes I trust them!!!!

Austin December 3, 2008 at 8:31 AM  

My question is why women don't trust other women, but will expect her man or a man to trust her??? Aint you a women too!

Mi$$ J. December 3, 2008 at 8:49 AM  

LOL @ AL... Why would you be w/ someone who u couldn't trust?

Felicia December 3, 2008 at 9:13 AM  

Yes, females are very messy.....I am a hairstylist...and their messy as hell...I have the same 3 friends and have had them for over 10yrs..I know them and what their capable of and I trust them(to be who they are), but I could never meet someone new and say she my friend I meet new people every day...they are so such drama queens, and do a lot of silly things that I just don't care to get to know anyone new like that....and a alot of times people don't trust other people cause they don't trust themselves and they know what they are capable of...I only deal with women who are like me..drama free..not those desperate, attention seeking, judgemental, full of drama, women...

Austin December 3, 2008 at 9:15 AM  

I dont trust women at all! I seen and been thru too much...

Mi$$ J. December 3, 2008 at 9:16 AM  


Felicia December 3, 2008 at 9:22 AM  

lol @ Al....

Well, you must have been around some snakes!!! And maybe it was karma!!!

Marky Breeze December 3, 2008 at 9:47 AM  

It's funny that Miss J and Felecia make the comment that you trust people to be who they are... the real question on that is... do you really know a person?
Think about the people that hurt you, it was always someone you trust case in point you were hurt bu them, so can you really trust anyone fully?

Mi$$ J. December 3, 2008 at 10:10 AM  

U really cant trust anyone fully thats just how I see it sometimes... There is a handful of people who I trust and maybe not even a handful. A lot of people I just look at sideways by the actions they show. If you notice I'm not much of a talker unless u really know me... I do a lot of observing. I may not even mention the things I'm observing just know I'm watching every little thing a person is doing and how they go about doin it.

Felicia December 3, 2008 at 10:12 AM  

Well Breeze, I must say all people are not the same(but with females I don't have time to pick the bad apples out of the bunch) you can never say that what one did the next will do!!! And truthfully when you are hurt by someone there is always a warning before destruction!! you know their capablities and the things they have done in the past so what makes they won't do it again! People announce to you who they are JUST LISTEN!!!! Don't over look those signs because then you are setting yourself up for being hurt!! when you actually saw it coming!!!

Rayna December 3, 2008 at 11:01 AM  

Yes Felicia! I think the problems come in when ppl expect other ppl to be anything besides exactly what they are. Meaning, if someone has shown you that they are a liar and a cheat, then that's their behavior. You can't behave in any way but that. This translates into any relationship.

And I find that the girls who say "I don't mess with a lot girls" has a lot to do with their relationship with men and not knowing the value of having that good girlfriend(s) that will ride for you. I don't know about all, but the ones who say that also seem to keep many men friends...

Anyway, I never heard of the females are messy thing. (Where have I been????) I always thought guys were the messy ones. Even though one of my bff's is on the messy side...

Mi$$ J. December 3, 2008 at 11:28 AM  

Thats true Rach... I so have more male friends than female friends but I've always been like that. Like all my cousins are males so I was brought up hanging with the boys thats why I get along so well with guys!! Still females are messy! I dont know where u've been at lol!!

Felicia December 3, 2008 at 11:40 AM  

I agree Rayna...Guys are messy too, I know guys who act worse then females...Gossip and everything!! But I think the make better friends they teach you the game!! lol

Austin December 3, 2008 at 12:06 PM  

At work, all them chix was whores!!! Sneaky as fuck, and they wasnt just flirtn either, them hoes was goin!!! It opened my eyes to how women can I programmed myself not to put shit pass them...some guys are naive about women when it comes to that area, But I could preach a few good sermons on the life and times of some real live slut buckets who deserve to be stoned!!! Its not just about sex either, they were doin all types of lady I knew had her husband thinkin she made minimum wage, she was makn $17an hour...the hubby was working to jobs to support they family! I aint no women beater, but she would catch hell if I found that shit out!!

Anonymous,  December 3, 2008 at 12:30 PM  

I was never one to hang with alot of females anyway not thru school, and not now. I sit back and peep females actions and over the years, they aint been good ones! I get along with most and I always give people a chance, but it don't matter there's goin to be some drama somewhere!

Trust (HA!)is a hard thang, thats why I chose the ones I hang with and while most claim to be drama free be first ones at the club or in public talkin shit, always runnin at the mouf, think she better than EVERYBODY, a show off! ect.... oh and let's not get into "that bitch want my man" drama OMG!!! Im so cool. Im too damn grown for all that bullshit! and then muthafuckas wanna fight, If you dont like me for WHATEVER your reasons are, then just give me 50ft and we good!
Men are too but women are, and will always be the most messy!!!!

K.Michele December 3, 2008 at 1:52 PM  

Reading this blog and the posts made me think: I really don't like girls because yeah...they are full of drama, however, I do have a small number of girls that I call friend or a bff. I think I have a very trusting nature *which can be good or bad*, but I only surround myself w ppl that i feel have a positive aura about themselves. Maybe I'm good at picking friends :)

And if I did pick a bad one, or something were to happen where there is no longer trust between us, then thats it. I'm done w/ u.

and shut up RAYNA...I kno you're talking about me!! lol

Anonymous,  December 3, 2008 at 2:19 PM  


me for one, i'm a girl that doesn't really like females. i'm not gonna say i'm completely against them, simply bc i'm one myself (duh!), but i WILL say i have very few that i call my friends. any other females i seem to be cool wit are nothing but associates or less.

personally i dont have many FRIENDS period, male OR female. i will admit that i get along with males easier than i do females, and this is bc they are less likely to hate on me or try to steal my man or try to turn my best friend against me (unless they're homo!). males are usually more laid back, don't over-analyze, and don't nit-pick everything...

i think the main reason that so many females say they don't like other females is bc they don't kno the definition of a friend. usually a girl won't like other girls bc she's experienced a friend that did her wrong in some shape or fashion, but the truth of the matter is she wasn't really a friend to begin with if she can sleep wit your man or steal your job or tell lies about u to make herself look better. guys, dont act like u dont have the same issues either! learn how to differentiate between a friend and something less before u bad mouth your own gender!!

Truth! December 3, 2008 at 8:06 PM  

I agree with hunnybee if you can't trust em they ain't ur friend! I think people get caught up thinking just because they hang out alot they are friends. Not True!

T December 4, 2008 at 8:46 AM  

I haven't read any of the comments, but I have TONS of girlfriends. Women who don't have any girlfriends are usually the problem themselves.

Anonymous,  December 23, 2008 at 3:33 PM  

Well, honestly females are messy! One of my friends who I considered a Best Friend, A sister went behind my back and had sex and kicked it wit someone I was talking to as well! And then decided to keep going after we had gotten into it about it! You have some girlz that say they cool with you and they talk mess behind ur back to ur friends thinkin ur main girlz aren't going to talk! You just have to be careful who you associate your self with at all times and keep your friends close but ur enemies closer!!