Thursday, January 15, 2009



ICE January 15, 2009 at 8:49 AM  

LMAO! I look forward to the fr3shspot er`mornin! yall get my day goin, but for real I hope that did him some good, he really needed some help! poor thing, lol but 8 kids dizzamn and the youngset 3 months ugh I guess she loves her husband!lol

Austin January 15, 2009 at 11:16 AM  

I wanna see X make it so bad! Its easy to look at him and say that drugs are the reason he's in and out of prison, its deeper than that, its a spiritual war goin on! And if u believe in GOD, u have to believe in the devil. the enemy is constantly on the attack of God's ppl, so X must have great power to reach those whom the devil thought were his property, that is why he has so many trails. But God can turn all negative into positive...he's gonna touch alot of ppl that were written off as a lost cause and bring them to GOD...he startn his own kingdom tho with all them kids!!!

Anonymous,  January 15, 2009 at 12:51 PM  

Mr. Austin, you said it man! Good choice of words! he really did need help and I wish him all the best!!! I still like some of his misic today! {get at meh dawg,Grrrr arff arff, whaat!,lol}

Rayna January 15, 2009 at 12:58 PM  

Right on Point Mr. Austin! I remember that I had to stop listening to DMX sometimes because things he said were so evil. Stomp on the devil's head X!