Tuesday, January 20, 2009


i have so much to talk about. Its been a while and I must start by
saying happy new year everyone and be sure to live with purpose and
dedication to whatever it is you strive for. As sauce always says...
"shit or get off the pot". Be inspired and live with appreciation for
and thanksgiving. Enough of that inspirational shit. I want to move on
to V Day Gate 09. what is it about this day that makes even the
strongest and happiest of women lose they rabbit ass minds? This day
that is literally perpetuated by some dude @ hallmark to make money
leaves women scattering for anything with a pulse. The closer it gets
to that day dudes start seeing a lot of weird shit. On a good nite the
average dude bats about .500 which is 50%. That's half of the women you
talk to you see action. This time of year is like home run season. You
liable to knock it out the park at any given at bat. What is it about
a fucking balloon and some chocolate that just scrambles all the
sensors? They don't care about shit other than not being alone or
getting that cheap as bear and the mission is not complete until the
objective is met. And the closer it gets to the day the lowered the
standard becomes. Shit is crazy son. You can be snagatooth, wit a
velvet shirt with your best leisure suit, and open toed gators on by
the 13th cause they just damn thirsty. When will the madness end? We
got a black president and we cant even say fuck valentines day? I urge
all my single women to stand tall and be strong and say NO!! I will
not let decisive greeting card companies dictate my happiness. But if
you really need companion come out to the sub t on the 15th to see
Project: Fr3sh in concert with Ptoda and Chris Shields. Let them take
the pain away with the sweet soothing sounds of hip hop and soul. I
might even debut single "niggas love chicken" from my mixtape "if the
bag ain't greasy i ain't eating" wit features from Cutta Pacman aka "the
intern" and Hennessy aka Sauce


Mi$$ J. January 20, 2009 at 7:14 PM  

Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha *dead*

ICE January 20, 2009 at 9:56 PM  

hey where did er`body go! lmao ^

Austin January 21, 2009 at 1:06 AM  

Nate...you's a genius! i really fux with you and your perspectives on life, women, and these perpetuated plots by the MAN!!!

Unknown January 21, 2009 at 1:36 AM  

yo Al, the truth is I don't want my daughter growing up around the bitter thoughts and practices that women too often in still in their daughters. its our job as real dudes to let them know the shared collective thoughts and sentiment by the majority of men.

K.Michele January 21, 2009 at 9:34 PM  

LMAO!!! Damn the man...p.s. i'm waiting for this mixtape to come out tho!!!

Anonymous,  January 22, 2009 at 9:11 AM  

valentine! shmalentine, I dont like this day, fuck doin for me one day out the year! ok maybe 3 days out the yr if you count b-day and x-mas, if we a couple lets "valentine" for ea. other all year round what makes this day so special?, just me seeing you on a regular basis is good enough, I guess it's just the thought/gesture of being lovedon this one day!!! lol just my opinion